Tuesday, September 19, 2017

My Wedding Proposal


So I think I am ready to settle down.
Chew and I have been together for about 2 years, but she have filled up so much of my void that I felt that im already a better person compared to the me before i met her.

The planning to the big day of proposal was actually quite simple.
She have long ago laid out her "requirement" for the perfect proposal.
- CAT (yes, you heard it right, CATs! she want CATS to be present when i propose!)
- Fairy Light(even in broad daylight, she still want fairy lights)
- Flowers (okay this one normal)

So to fulfill her first request, i booked a Cat Cafe at Company of Cats. It is a cozy little space whereby cats will be playful and yet feel relaxed in a fully air conditioned room.

Next, i wanted to choose a memorable date for the proposal. We first got together on 19th Jan 2015.
It was pretty lucky at our 888th day together happens to be 25th June 2017, Hari Raya Puasa. I have also consulted my lunar calendar and it is a good day!

As she is more or less knowing that I was about to propose, I decided that the surprise would come as her friends being in the attendance of the proposal.

Well, she said YES and the rest is history!